According to the property portal Zoopla rents have risen 2.6% nationally over the last year. This is nearly double the current inflation rate.
A lack of council/social housing combined with landlords exiting the market due to taxation has put pressure on supply. There also has been a drop in new landlords in many areas due to the increased levels of stamp duty taxation on buy to let purchases.
However, the area that we operate in offers huge opportunities for landlords with relative low house prices, good rental yields and high demands from tenants. NR30, NR31, NR32 & NR33 offer especially strong opportunities for buy to let purchases with yields of 6% plus commonplace.
If you are looking at investing in a buy to let property call your local Aldreds office today or visit our website!
Contact Gorleston Office now to register your interest! We will be releasing six, two bedroom terrace and end terrace houses for sale in Gorleston. End of Jan or February.
All properties have parking and gardens. Asking prices expected to be around £170,000.
We hope everyone had a great Christmas! We have been really busy since we reopened on the 27th. All Aldreds offices are open today as normal. We are then shut for the New Year reopening 2nd January 2020!!!!
23rd December 9am till 12noon
24th December closed
25th December closed
26th December closed
27th December 9am till 5.30pm
28th December 9am till 4pm (1pm Stalham office and 12noon rental office)
29th December closed
30th December 9am till 5.30pm
31st December closed
1st January closed
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!!!!
We were delighted to take part in the St Andrews Church, Gorleston Christmas Tree festival! Well done to all in Gorleston office for this magnificent tree raising money for East Coast Hospice!