Aldreds and MHKing & Son are delighted to announce the launch of the ‘New Cornfields’ development off Caraway Drive. Pop along to our open house Saturday 15th June 9.30am to 11am. We have released a selection of houses and bungalows for sale. Prices from £225,000.
Landlords! Has your agent written to you informing you that, due to the tenant fee ban, they are increasing fees and/or monthly commission? Aldreds have frozen our set up fees to landlords for the rest of 2019 and have frozen our monthly commission until the end on 2021. If you are unhappy with increased charges, or feel the need to change from your current managing agent, why not call us to discuss your options? Take advantage of our unchanged £120 inc VAT set up fee and frozen management commission. Our dedicated lettings team in head office would be delighted to manage your property on your behalf. Call us now on 01493 857760 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Through June we will be releasing new home developments in both Gorleston and Bradwell! Register with our Gorleston office now on 01493 664600 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. !
The Gorleston Beach Huts have arrived on site! We still have a few of the first release available for reservation and purchase. Call us now on 01493 664600!
I am always confused….and a little frustrated when I see our competitors marketing properties without floorplans. Floorplans are a vital tool in attracting interest to a house. In my opinion as important as quality photos. As well as letting buyers understand the layout they also let interested parties visualise changes and extensions they may wish to make. However, equally important is the impact floorplans have on ‘hits’ received online. The big property websites have told us that properties without floorplans have 20% less hits on average! That is a drop off of one in five! All our properties at Aldreds are offered with 2D and 3D floorplans as standard to help buyers appreciate the property and drive those all important online clicks!