As a tenant why should I bother with Contents Insurance
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As a tenant why should I bother with contents insurance?
There are many reasons why all tenants should have protection in place, unfortunately this often only comes clear when a problem occurs.
A classic example of this which we have seen first hand many times over the years. A simple accident of dropping something on a ceramic hob and crack! The surface is broken and a new hob is needed. Replacement with fitting can easily be up to £500.
Many tenants believe that accidental damage is covered under the landlord’s insurance, however that is not the case. This is always specified in the tenancy agreement.
If you don’t have your own contents insurance, none of your belongings are covered in the event of a flood, fire, burglary or even a leak. That is something most people don’t think about until it is simply too late.
Good cover is not expensive and we never want to see our tenants left out of pocket because of something that was out of their own control.
We have teamed up with Alan Boswell Insurance, a local Norfolk firm offering award winning tenant focused cover at very competitive rates.
For full details and instant cover please click on the link